Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract has amazing anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties.  It helps modulate the immune system.  In a recent study, Olive leaf extract was shown to be effective in working against 25 out of 25 viruses tested.

It helps regulate blood pressure (especially in combination with Grape Seed extract) by blocking the calcium channels in arteries. 

It reduces systemic inflammation and calms auto-immune responses in conditions such as diabetes, MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and chronic respiratory allergic responses.

Other studies indicate that it helps heal open wounds 78% faster, heals cartilage, chelates heavy metals, helps with gout, and may slow the growth of cancer.

Work out fatigue may be reduced by using a combination of Olive Leaf extract and the CoQ10.

I recommend a product called Immu-zyme by Apex Energetics.  This product contains an advanced herbal and colostrum immune health formula, including 10 immune-building herbs. These include olive leaf extract, astragalus root extract, and European black elderberry, plus several key vitamins and minerals.

To order, please call Shelly Byrd, NTP at 949-351-3699 or e-mail me at backbayusa@yahoo.com.

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